Battle Realms/Winter of the Wolf Expansion v1.50q +11 Trainer by Decay การแปล - Battle Realms/Winter of the Wolf Expansion v1.50q +11 Trainer by Decay ภาษาอินโดนีเซี วิธีการพูด

Battle Realms/Winter of the Wolf Ex

Battle Realms/Winter of the Wolf Expansion v1.50q
+11 Trainer by Decay

Trainer works on NO-CD EXE released by CLASS. You can find it on GameCopyWorld, among other places.

All options work in campaign as well as skirmish mode.

F1 - 99999 Rice and Water. Doesn't decrease till you turn it off.
F2 - 999999999 Population, and peasants are generated fast from the huts. Use F9 to control peasant generation.
F3 - 10 Yin and Yang. Doesn't decrease till you turn it off.
F4 - Instant unit training. Just unit training, not BattleGear training.
F5 - Build any number of Watchtowers.

F8 - Turn on and move mouse over any structure for one-hit destruction.
F9 - Pause/Resume peasant production. Useful if you use the maximum population cheat, to prevent overcrowding.

Page Up - Select one or more units, and they get infinite health and stamina. Deselect and the effect is gone. Also works on allied/enemy units, so be careful. Careful while using instant death while this is on, sometimes your units get one-hit killed.

Page Down - Select one or more units, or even move the mouse over one, and press the key for them to die. If the unit is standing still, it dies instantly, on the spot. If the unit is busy, doing some work or attacking, the unit gets one-hit killed. Or alternatively, when it completes the work, or attacking, it dies on the spot.

F10 - Select any Wolves' Den and press the key to have 250 Wolves in that building. Works for enemy and allied buildings too, so be careful.

Delete - Select a building, or move the mouse over it, and press the key. It does many different things...
1. Instant Build - If the building is under construction, or just been placed, as soon as the peasant touches it, the building is completed.
2. Instant Repair - If the building is damaged, it gets repaired instantly.
3. Instant Research - If the building is researching a technology, it completes instantly.
4. Instant Unit Train - If the building is training a unit, the training completes instantly. You have an automatic version of it in F4, but I just put it anyway.
5. Instant BattleGear - If the building is equipping a unit with BattleGear, it completes instantly.
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ผลลัพธ์ (ภาษาอินโดนีเซี) 1: [สำเนา]
Battle Realms-musim dingin v1.50 ekspansi Wolf (q)
11 pelatih oleh pembusukan

pelatih bekerja pada EXE NO-CD yang dirilis oleh kelas. Anda dapat menemukannya di GameCopyWorld, antara lain tempat.

semua pilihan bekerja di kampanye serta pertempuran mode.

F1-99999, beras dan air. Tidak mengurangi sampai Anda mengubahnya dengan
F2-999999999 populasi, dan petani yang dihasilkan cepat dari Pondok. Gunakan F9 untuk mengontrol satu generasi.
F3-10 dari Yin dan Yang. Tidak mengurangi sampai Anda mengubahnya dengan
F4-instan unit pelatihan. Unit pelatihan, tidak hanya pelatihan.
BattleGear F5-membangun beberapa menara pengawas.

F8-Hidupkan dan memindahkan mouse struktur untuk satu-hit kehancuran.
F9-jeda/produksi petani. Berguna jika Anda menggunakan kode cheat, maksimum populasi untuk mencegah kepadatan penduduk

.Page Up-pilih satu atau lebih banyak unit, dan mereka mendapatkan terbatas kesehatan dan stamina. Hapus dan efek hilang. Juga bekerja pada unit sekutu musuh, jadi hati-hati. Hati-hati saat menggunakan kematian instan sementara ini, kadang-kadang Anda mendapatkan unit satu-hit dibunuh.

Page Down-pilih satu atau lebih unit, atau bahkan bergerak mouse satu, dan tekan tombol untuk mereka mati. Jika unit berdiri diam, Ia meninggal seketika, di tempat. Jika unit sibuk, melakukan beberapa pekerjaan, atau menyerang, mendapatkan unit satu-hit dibunuh. Selain itu, ketika selesai pekerjaan atau menyerang, meninggal di tempat.

F10-pilih Den serigala apapun dan tekan tombol untuk memiliki 250 serigala di gedung itu. Bekerja untuk musuh dan sekutu bangunan juga, jadi hati-hati.

Hapus-Pilih bangunan, atau pindahkan mouse, dan tekan tombol. Itu banyak hal yang berbeda...
1. Instan membangun-jika bangunan yang sedang dibangun, atau hanya telah ditempatkan, segera setelah satu menyentuh itu, bangunan selesai.
2. Instan perbaikan-jika bangunan dapat rusak, itu mendapatkan diperbaiki langsung.
3. Penelitian instan, jika bangunan juga meneliti teknologi, itu selesai langsung.
4. Instan Unit kereta-jika bangunan juga pelatihan unit melengkapi pelatihan, langsung. Anda memiliki versi otomatis di F4, tapi aku hanya meletakkan anyway.
5. Instan BattleGear-jika bangunan adalah juga melengkapi unit dengan BattleGear, selesai langsung.
การแปล กรุณารอสักครู่..
ผลลัพธ์ (ภาษาอินโดนีเซี) 2:[สำเนา]
Battle Realms/Winter of the Wolf Expansion v1.50q
+11 Trainer by Decay

Trainer works on NO-CD EXE released by CLASS. You can find it on GameCopyWorld, among other places.

All options work in campaign as well as skirmish mode.

F1 - 99999 Rice and Water. Doesn't decrease till you turn it off.
F2 - 999999999 Population, and peasants are generated fast from the huts. Use F9 to control peasant generation.
F3 - 10 Yin and Yang. Doesn't decrease till you turn it off.
F4 - Instant unit training. Just unit training, not BattleGear training.
F5 - Build any number of Watchtowers.

F8 - Turn on and move mouse over any structure for one-hit destruction.
F9 - Pause/Resume peasant production. Useful if you use the maximum population cheat, to prevent overcrowding.

Page Up - Select one or more units, and they get infinite health and stamina. Deselect and the effect is gone. Also works on allied/enemy units, so be careful. Careful while using instant death while this is on, sometimes your units get one-hit killed.

Page Down - Select one or more units, or even move the mouse over one, and press the key for them to die. If the unit is standing still, it dies instantly, on the spot. If the unit is busy, doing some work or attacking, the unit gets one-hit killed. Or alternatively, when it completes the work, or attacking, it dies on the spot.

F10 - Select any Wolves' Den and press the key to have 250 Wolves in that building. Works for enemy and allied buildings too, so be careful.

Delete - Select a building, or move the mouse over it, and press the key. It does many different things...
1. Instant Build - If the building is under construction, or just been placed, as soon as the peasant touches it, the building is completed.
2. Instant Repair - If the building is damaged, it gets repaired instantly.
3. Instant Research - If the building is researching a technology, it completes instantly.
4. Instant Unit Train - If the building is training a unit, the training completes instantly. You have an automatic version of it in F4, but I just put it anyway.
5. Instant BattleGear - If the building is equipping a unit with BattleGear, it completes instantly.
การแปล กรุณารอสักครู่..
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